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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
June 23, 2009
1196 Main Street, Town Hall

Members Present: D. Lindberg, O. Lies,  W. Ritter, A. Bonofiglio (7:10 PM), M. Wronski

Members Absent: C. Stanovich

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, D. Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:00 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

PUBLIC HEARING DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION, Amendment, Wingspan Estates, Wingspan Properties, LLC: D. Lindberg read the Public Hearing notice into record. Wingspan is proposing an amendment to the definitive subdivision, which entails adding one additional lot at the end of the cul-de-sac. The subdivision was approved for ten lots and the amendment includes eleven. The R-10 and R-1 zone line runs through the back two parcels but the frontage lies within the R-10 zoning district (the R-10 district requires 10,000 square feet of lot area and 64' of frontage, and the R-1 district requires 40,000 square feet of area, and 100' of frontage). Per a letter from the Zoning Enforcement Officer it has been determined the R-10 zoning district applies. There have been no changes to road design or the storm-water system. The Board has the revised plan for review. Construction has not started for the subdivision. The approval expires on January 28, 2011.

Joanna Paquin, Graves Engineering Inc., represented the applicants proposing the amendment. They will be relocating the catch basins, on Main Street area.

O. Lies questioned the dimensions and lot lines.

W. Ritter motioned to close the Public Hearing. A. Bonofiglio seconded. All in favor. W. Ritter motioned to approve the amendment, reading the draft of conditions into record. A. Bonofiglio seconded. Vote 5-0, all in favor. Approved.

PUBLIC HEARING DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION, Extension of Time, Wachusett Woods, Holden Heights, LLC: D. Lindberg read the Public Hearing Notice into record. All six affordable units have been issued building permits. Five of the six affordable units have been awarded to qualifying households. Four affordable units are occupied. Five market rate units have been constructed. The applicant is requesting a two-year extension of time. The definitive subdivision approval expired on April 27, 2009.

Jonathan Finkelstein, Attorney for the applicant, and Andy Dalbo the developer for Wachusett Woods represented the project. The 31 lots will take longer than 2-3 years to complete, and they are requesting to further extension to 2011 for completion of the sidewalks from the site down Highland Street.

Public Comments:

Michael Krikonis, 10 Shady Ln: Asked if the applicant was looking for an extension for the entire subdivision. J. Finkelstein said 'yes'. P. Harding stated that Mr. Krikonis has contacted her regarding drainage issues on his lot. P. Harding and Town Engineer, J. Zingarelli visited the site. The Town Engineer felt once the roadways are complete, the problems should be rectified. The sediment was depositing at the beginning of the driveway but should be alleviated once the final pavement and driveway aprons are installed. Mr. Krikonis stated that the drainage problem goes beyond this area and into the rear of his yard. P. Harding will take another look at it during a heavy rain event.

M. Wronski asked if the sidewalks were part of the conditions. P. Harding explained that if costs of the sidewalks along Highland Street were too prohibitive the Applicant is required to gift the Town of Holden $30,000 to construct sidewalks in a different location in Town.

O. Lies questioned the sidewalk condition to 2011, and asked if it could be started earlier.

A. Bonofiglio asked if there was a problem with putting off the installation of the sidewalks.

W. Ritter asked J. Finkelstein if they had looked into the right of way.  He would like to see the developer come back for a review in a year, with an extension of the approval to 2011.

  • Matthew Higgins, 6 Shady Ln:  Asked if there were any other issues that would require an extension of time.
P. Harding stated there were final paving and drainage issues which need to be addressed prior to the subdivision acceptance.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to close the Public Hearing.  W. Ritter seconded.  W. Ritter motioned to approve the draft of conditions read into record.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 5-0, all in favor, approved.

PUBLIC HEARING DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION. Extension of Time, Deer Run Subdivision, CEENG, Inc.:  D. Lindberg read the Public Hearing Notice into record.  CEENG is the primary mortgage holder of the subdivision.  The subdivision is currently being foreclosed on, but because of a bankruptcy filing by the owner, the process is not complete.  All utilities, retaining wall construction, the basecoat of pavement and the storm water system have been completed.  The site was stabilized, including the mulching of slopes and hydro-seeding of the loam and fill piles.  The property is still under covenant and no building permits have been issued.  The Board has the Previous conditions of approval for their review.

Kevin David, Attorney for Webster First Federal Credit Union, addressed the Board.  The Credit Union intends to complete the subdivision, and is requesting a 3 year extension of time.

Public Comments:
  • James Ciullo, 27 Quail Run:  Commented on Bergerons work.  Asked if the Credit Union would be taking down the piles of dirt.  K. David, Attorney, said ‘eventually’.
P. Harding said that Bergeron submitted paperwork for an extension of time, with permission for the Credit Union to move ahead and obtain the extension of time.

W. Ritter asked K. David if they would consider having Bergeron do the work.  He said ‘probably not’ due to legal issues.  P. Harding asked why the bank isn’t selling the subdivision ‘as-is’ explaining that completing the final coat of pavement prior to any lots being constructed would likely result in being damaged by the numerous construction vehicles entering and exiting the site and the Town would not likely accept a roadway without security.  Mr. David stated the bank has unsuccessfully attempted to sell the subdivision as is.

A bond of approximately $177,000 was calculated by the Town Engineer to release the covenant.

At Quail Run there is ponding water.  A temporary sediment basin was installed.  P. Harding said that a fence will be required.  W. Ritter said the fence in back is damaged.  P. Harding will look into the safety issues.

  • Liz Helder, 33 Steppingstone:  Said she was sorry to hear that R. Ricker had resigned.  She also mentioned that the grass has started to grow on the piles of dirt, and asked the Bank to at least clean up the property.
W. Ritter asked P. Harding when the final road work will be done.  She stated that when they start selling houses.  The catch basins need to be lowered, and fire hydrants installed.

  • Staci Robichard, 40 Steppingstone Dr:  Said Bergeron is there everyday, moving rock and sifting loam.  Kevin David stated that will stop once the bank takes over.
O. Lies said he did a drive through, and the hydro-seeding didn’t work, and they might see the dust issues again.  The rock piles are as big as they were before.  He’s also received phone call complaints, and wishes someone would clear up the site near Main St.  He would not like to see an extension beyond the 1 year.

M. Wronski and A. Bonofiglio would also like to see the site cleaned up.  A resident suggested that they remove the stones from the front of the property and remove the poles.  He said that they could come back before the Board in 6 months for review.

  • Staci Robichaud, 40 Steppingstone Dr:  Said her property markers aren’t even there any more.
W. Ritter purposes a 1 year extension, and requested the Bank investigate finishing the relocation of the poles.  W. Ritter motioned to close the Public Hearing.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  All in favor.

W. Ritter motioned to approve the draft of conditions read into record.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 5-0, all in favor.  Approved.


Cluster By-law:  O. Lies discussed the Cluster By-law.  P. Harding stated that round two has not been awarded.

The next meeting will be with CMRPC to kick-off the Cluster Development By-law at the Holden Senior Center on July 21, 2009.


March 24, 2009:  W. Ritter motioned to approve.  M. Wronski seconded.  A. Bonofiglio abstained from the vote.  Vote 4-0, approved.

April 14, 2009:  W. Ritter motioned to approve.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  All in favor, approved with an amendment by O. Lies.

NEXT MEETING:  July 21, 2009, at 7:00 PM at the Senior Center.

W. Ritter motioned to adjourn.  M. Wronski seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:30 PM.

June 23, 2009, Meeting Minutes approved:        September 22, 2009      

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary